Sunday, September 23, 2012


                 There is something about being gathered at a place with people because of a commonality. A concert by your favorite band that also happens to be 37263567 other people’s favorite. A blog conference because you and people like you put virtual pen to virtual paper and share thoughts with complete strangers.
                For me, that moment usually came at Christian concerts. I would stop and look around at the packed stands and think, All these people are here because they believe in God, just like me. I felt a sense of community. That, even though I didn’t know almost all of the people gathered around me, didn’t know their names and their stories, what brought them to that place, I knew that we had something in common.
                When I came to ASU, I worried that I wouldn’t find that community, or that it would be difficult to find. But what I didn’t know was that the community I was searching for was waiting literally right outside my door. What I thought was just going to be a morning running some errands, God knew would be the day where two girls were taking surveys in front of my dorm. God also knew that they would be offering Gatorade to people for participating, knew that I wouldn’t stop unless they had grape.
                And they had grape.
                I didn’t think much of it. I didn’t even really know who or what they were representing- my thoughts were more on the fact that I needed to find a Campus Corner to buy an ASU shirt and get back in time to clean the room up for my roommate to move in. So I read the list of things under ‘Interests’ and checked off a few. Interested in music? Check. Interested in comedy? Check. Interested in church?
                One of the girls there, Megan, took a glance at my paper as I was filling it out and said to me, “I see you’re interested in church?”
                That’s how I found my community. Grape Gatorade drew me in because although I didn’t know, God knew that these girls were part of a church on campus. He knew that just by checking off a simple box, I would immediately find my community.
                I did. I found my community.
                From Day One, I have been welcomed with open arms. Invited places, included, cared for, and I’ve never felt more loved. I see these people nearly every single day at church, playing Ultimate Frisbee, Bible Studies, Acts 2 Alpha, Fight Night, spending the night, and more.
                Although it’s been during these moments that I’ve thought, “How awesome it is that I have all these friends who believe in exactly the same thing I do,” it really only hit me this morning during a talk at my friend Sarah’s house.
                Any time I need prayer, all I have to do is ask. Any time I need advice or someone to talk to. Any time I need help understanding a Bible passage or furthering my relationship with God, all these amazing women are constantly around me. There’s something so special about being able to go to them about things like my past and how it affects me now and not just get secular answers, but answers and support straight out of a book we all hold so near and dear to our hearts. I love how much I am challenged in my faith and how when Alicia asks me a question, she’s not afraid to respond to my answer with, “Maybe you want to think about that again,” because she really wants me to understand. I love that Sarah and I can so easily go from having coffee and talking about classes and music to worshipping our hearts out, just in a few hours. I love having this community that I know will always be there, will always be kind.
                I look up to these people. I know they aren’t perfect in their faith and in their lives, but they are trying, they are striving for a better relationship with God That is what matters, and every day, I am so very thankful that God interceded when I least expected it.
                Friends, fun, laughter, sleepovers, movies, food, coffee, Fugitive, SDS, SDWP, service, worship, Bible, God, questions, answers.


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