Friday, July 26, 2013

Time for R&R

I had high hopes for today. After plans with one of my friends got canceled since she ditched me to go to California (just kidding, Bug. No hard feelings.), I decided that I’d use today to pack some more and get things together for moving – like laundry. I really need to do laundry. The mom I used to nanny for texted me last night asking if I could drop off the season passes I’d gotten her kids for a nearby water park before ten this morning, so I figured I’d get up, run over there, then come back and just have a productive day.
Except I woke up feeling like I’d been hit by a truck.
Sore, I had an earache in both ears, and my eyes were drier than sandpaper. I dragged myself out to their house (and pretty much have no recollection of the drive over there. Scary, I know.) and was back in my bed by ten. I texted Bug, saying it had been a good choice for her to go to Cali, then totally zonked until one this afternoon. I could tell I was really sick because, when I am, I can’t stand being touched by anything. Even air blowing on me bugs me like nobody’s business.
So now, here I am at almost three in the afternoon, still in my pajamas and in bed. My room is a mess, nothing’s been done, and I really want to go back to sleep. I want to be productive, too, but it’s more the idea of it than actually doing it, because I have zero desire to get up. I’m even supposed to go pick up my check and schedule from work, but I don’t think that’s gonna happen.
The fact that I fell asleep at work yesterday should’ve been indicative of today and it kind of was, but I’m always in denial when I get sick. I used to never get sick and then I got the swine flu in 2010 and it completely shot my immune system. Bug and another friend both said, “It’s a sign you need rest!” and I know that, but I just don’t want to! I mean, I would love to have a restful day, but only after I get everything packed.
I’m just being stubborn. And silly.
But seriously! I move in five days! I have to get my rear in gear.

On an end note, I wrote a comment to one of the bloggers I follow and she posted about it!!! It was definitely a highlight of this cruddy day. Her blog is called The Wolfpack Princess – go follow it!


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